Nihan Akıncı


I'm a Junior DevOps Engineer with a passion for technology, focusing on Kubernetes and Containers. As a former Business Analyst, I bring a valuable skill set for aligning technology with business needs in the DevOps environment.

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📍 Izmir, Turkey
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Business Analyst - SmartMessage

2022 - 2023 | Izmir - Turkey (Remote)

Specialist, Software Quality Assurance - Etiya

2020 - 2022 | Izmir - Turkey (Remote)

Intern - Softtech

2019 | Izmir - Turkey (Remote)




Prometheus Configuration For Redis Monitoring and Charts

I configured the Helm charts and created a monitoring stack that monitors Redis metrics and visualizes it in Grafana. The project also includes node exporter and kube-state-metrics for cluster observability. GitHub Repository

Content Management System for Individuals Working From Home

A CMS using the ESP8266 WiFi Module designed to help individuals working from home manage their tasks efficiently. It is part of a larger project and uses the NodeMcu Lua V3 CH340G ESP8266 WLAN module. GitHub Repository

Installed Bare-Metal Kubernetes Cluster Using Vagrant And Kubeadm

Installed my Kubernetes cluster using Vagrant and Kubeadm as part of my learning experience. This helped me understand the inner workings of the Kubernetes cluster and was an important experience that made it click for me.